New to Yoga? We got you!

6 week intro to yoga courses for members

We understand that yoga can be intimidating if you are new to the practice, particularly if you’re not “flexible” or feel like you’re “out of shape”. But, guess what? You can’t be bad at yoga! Yes, we get that Instagram ads will have you thinking you need to look, act, and be able to move a certain way to be a “yogi.” But that couldn’t be further from what yoga is; it’s not about what our body can do or look like, but rather finding freedom & peace within our body through movement, meditation, and breath work. Everyone has this ability, already; yoga is simply helping us get there.

All of our classes (with the exception of Power Flow & Hot Yoga) are taught in a way that anyone is able to join. Yes, anyone. Our teachers are highly trained to teach poses clearly, demonstrate them, and to offer variations to make them more or less intensive; so the student gets to decide.

However, we also have several weekly classes specifically designed for a beginner to yoga, or someone simply wanting a softer practice. Less physically demanding classes for beginners would be Gentle Yoga, Warm Yin, Yoga 101, and The Grand Stretch. For beginners that are familiar with exercise classes and want a little more fitness, Morning Vinyasa and Yoga Strong classes are taught in a slow pace making them simple to follow. You can see them here on our class timetable.

Alternatively, we run regular Intro To Yoga, 6-week long courses where you can sign up for free if you’re a member (subscription plan). You will find the course dates listed below. These classes are for you to discover or rediscover your practice in a fun easy-going environment. Most people learn best in person and our teachers are experts at providing a welcoming, supportive and enjoyable experience. If you are totally new to yoga or need a refresh – you’re in safe hands with us.

Start your yoga journey today…create your account and book your first class below.